Posts Tagged 'pain'

Photos Can Hurt

POSTED BY: mspennylane
This can also be found at Marmalade Skies, my personal blog.

Sorting through things in my room (still unpacking from finishing university in June!) I came across an old photo. It is one of those photos that gets taken on rides at a theme park. In this case I was on the long flume and the wind was blowing my hair back.

All I can see is half my hair really short basically standing on top of my head and the rest of it long like a normal 12 year old would have it. It just looks horrible. It is painful to see it in photos. I can remember, but seeing it like that is something different.

I have heard of many people using photos like this to stop themselves; they tell themselves they are never going to go back there. Maybe it helps, I certainly don’t want to look like that again. Though I never ever would. No, now I would be more ashamed and hide my hair in every way possible. For some reason, at the time that photograph was taken I didn’t seem to realise what I looked like.

I have been pulling a lot. Many short hairs. But I definitely don’t want to be go through that again.